On Guard

For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.  But be on guard; I have told you all things beforehand. (Mark 13:22-23 ESV)

In sports there is an offense and defense.  Some sports have players specifically dedicated to these tasks.  There are different mindsets with different teams in different moments.  There are times when a team will be more offensive minded.  Especially with a weaker opponent.  Others will be more defensive minded depending on the situation in the game.

Jesus, in his Olivet Discourse, reminds his followers to be on guard against false prophets and false messiahs.  Notice he does not tell them to attack such people but rather “be on guard.”  This is a more defense posture.  It is tough to be a Christian when there are many false teachers around.

False teachers tend to be mostly truthful, but their lies create problems.  Axioms like “follow your heart” or “God wants me to be happy” can be accepted as truth.  These seemingly innocuous statements are dangerous and can lead the devout Christians astray.

When Paul tells us to put on the whole armor of God (Eph 6:10-18), all the pieces are defensive except for the Sword which is the Word of God.  Just a quick reminder the Word of God is Jesus, and the Bible is the revelation of the Word of God.  We should take time to understand how each part of the armor Paul mentioned works together to protect us.

How do you defend yourself against false teachers, prophets, and messiahs?  How would you know?  Where is your weak spot and how can you strengthen it?

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